Nadia "Sparkle" Henry
Nadia "Sparkle" Henry

When I began as a travel advisor in 2007, I relied heavily on referrals and personal relationships within my small town to build my business. While this approach was effective, I soon realized that I was working harder and longer hours than I ever had, while my family time was shrinking. It became clear that I needed to find a way to work smarter, not harder, if I wanted to sustain my business in the long term.

After careful consideration, I introduced a scheduling system for consultations into my business model and began charging a fee for my services. This decision has had a profound impact on my business, increasing my closing rate by 98% and enabling me to work less while earning more.

I charge $100 for a consultation to curate all-inclusive packages for up to four people to the Caribbean, Mexico, Dubai, Bali, the U.S., Africa and Europe. (I may add additional fees, depending on how complex the booking is.) To curate any group booking over four people, the charge is $260. A destination wedding consultation fee is $495, just for hotel and transfers. For individual cruises, I charge $55 per cabin.

Occasionally, air will be included in the package, but if a client would like to book excursions, dinner reservations, etc., that will include a travel management fee. Clients can choose a package of fees or a separate charge of $100 per hour for concierge services. I average about $600 a week in fees, which adds up to $28,800 a year. 

There are several benefits to charging fees:

  • You will increase your closing rate. By charging a fee, you weed out clients who are not serious about booking, enabling you to focus your time and energy on clients who are ready to commit.
  • You will work smarter, not harder. Implementing fees enables you to work fewer hours while earning more money. And you'll have more time to focus on providing high-quality service.
  • You will grow your base of luxury clientele. Charging fees can attract a higher-end client who will be willing to pay for your expertise and personalized service.
  • You will increase your financial stability. Charging fees provides a steady stream of income that is not reliant on commissions, adding to your yearly income.
  • You will increase your stature in the eyes of your clients. Charging fees emphasizes the value of your expertise and the personalized service you provide. My reviews and exit interviews are overwhelmingly positive.

I encourage you to consider implementing consulting fees into your travel business model. It has been a game changer for me, enabling me to work less, earn more and provide a higher level of service. 


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